Monday, November 10, 2008

URL Shortcut in Firefox

Firefox has this amazingly useful but hidden feature of adding shortcut for a bookmark. This is not just restricted to search based urls. Here is how to do this.

1. Bookmark your favorite URL
2. Go to Bookmarks -> Organize Bookmarks... menu
3. Choose the bookmark from (1)
4. In the bottom panel, click on "More"
5. Enter shortcut word or letter in "Keyword" text box
6. Close "Organize Bookmarks" window
7. In the address bar, type the word or letter from (5)
8. Viola!
9. Enjoy the time saved in taking the mouse pointer to Bookmarks menu and selecting the bookmark :-)

1 comment:

James said...

This is a cool feature to use with the erlang manual.
Add this link:
and assign it a keyword (I use "erl").
After that typing accessing a specific manual page is a matter of typing "erl <module>".
Happy coding! :)

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